Brno – Odpady se stávají vážným problémem ve všech větších městech v celé Evropě. Recyklace se stává součástí moderního životního stylu. Toto téma je velmi důležité také v Brně. Recyklace zde ještě není na tak vysoké úrovni, jak by mohla být. Většina občanů je málo informovaná o možnostech recyklace v Brně. Barbora Drachovská
„I think there isn´t enough containers for recycling waste in Brno“ says Hana Kyjonková student, who lives here. „We have containers in front of our college, but it´s full all the time. I would like to recycle but it´s not so easy for people as it should be. I have to store plastic bottles in my room. It´s not quite comfortable.“ Two big problems for people in Brno. When you want to recycle container is full or far far away. „I´m recycling waste because I think it´s realy important. There´s no doubt.“ Kyjonková says. „People should be nicer to nature. We are responsible for environment, because it still getting worse.“
Recycling waste is becoming quite usual. But Czech Republic is still really bad compare to the western Europe. Czech Republic recycle 20 percent of all communal waste. The rest of garbage ends in containers for mixed waste. For example in Austria people recycle 50 percent of all communal waste. Web server published that people in South Moravia region was recycling less than all-state average. In
However, most of the larger cities in Czech Republic have really sophisticated system of recycling waste. Brno is trying to do that, but there´s not really such a good situation. For example Prague have much more sorts of recycling waste. Brno started new promotional campaign on September. There are some promotional ads in Brnos trams, which presents czech celebrities connected to Brno. These celebrities explain they ways how to recycle. But is it effective when there´s not enough containers for recycling waste? Martin Vaněček, who is director of environmental department of Brno says: „There won´t be enough containers ever. During last year we increase number of all sorts of containers for recycling waste multiply. For example number of containers for plastic bottles was increased three times. Generally, people are more interested in recycling waste. I can´t say it´s because this campaign. One more reason can be in society, people discuss more these problems today generally.“
This problem is not only about information and opportunities for recycling. Information campaign has already started. But are there new opportunities? In the citycentre of Brno is only three main reception places for recycling waste and another containers, but they aren´t exactly in the real citycentre. Citycentre means real middle of city from Malinovského square with Mahens theatre to Moravského square near tram stop Česká. The containers seems to be a bit smaller than normal containers but they are exactly bigger, because its bigger part is storage place under ground not to block a space upward ground. They were opened during last 13 months. The first underground containers were opened in October of 2006. They have bigger contents than normal upground containers. But from one to another is very long journey. The newest one is on Malinovského square, where is Mahens theatre. For example from Malinovského square to Moravské square near tram station Česká, where is second place, is distance
Brno still can´t compare to the western Europe. People in Brno have to go to container for recycling waste on average
Is promotional campaign effective? Kropáček from Hnutí Duha says: „Our organisation was invited to cooperate on this promotional campaign, but we couldn´t take part in this project because of capacity. Every promotion is really good, because it can offer some new information for people. But this campaign and the campaign last year suffered from shortage of finances. There were exactly only three Czech crowns per one citizen of Brno. And it´s really little. Promotional campaign have to be completed with effort to change the system. Campaign without systems change can´t have no response. People can be informed, but if there isn´t some opportunities to recycle for them, for example more containers, they won´t start recycling.“
The city would like to increase number of containers and so on increase the frequency of taking out wastes. Brno is preparing new projects about recycling waste. According to Vaněček, city official there might be new promotional campaign next year. But there is problem about finances. There should be also recycling line for Brno in 2010. Recycling line is place where is checked up things from containers for recycling waste, if there is only recycled garbage. And Brno would like to recycle new sorts of wastes. Like for example tetrapak packs. Next year people in Brno can compost their biological waste. For example something from their garden or biological house waste. It´s for example skins of fruits. The city will offer people some composters. Brno also starting campaign against non-requesty advertising leaflets for example some offers from supermarkets, which fulfiling peoples post boxes. It should stop making unnecessary waste.
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